Ecotravelers’s Blog

Bringing Alternatives To You

My Raw Thanksgiving November 30, 2008

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So I arrived safe and sound with my rideshare from craigslist. I had a wonderful experience driving to Arizona from Texas with my new friend Joe and look forward to staying in touch with him. I love rideshare!

Our Thanksgiving day was exhilerating with 19 family and friends sharing stories and opinions. I am the only raw foodist in our group, not sure if anyone actually knew what I meant when I said “I only eat raw foods now,” since they kept trying to take me out to eat and feed me lots of really cooked food. I stuck to it and was not even influenced a tiny bit. I created for myself and others a mushroom and spinach salad and a sunflower veggie dip and drank Chocolate Biss all day and had a raw cashew cookie for dessert.YUM! It was a very interesting experience and I now feel I have a better insight into who my family members are as individuals. I have always been the odd ball out and done things very differently from others, so I outcome mapped exactly how I desired my experience this Thanksgiving to go and it was beautiful and insightful.

I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my ability to create my own world exactly as I choose it to be.
I am thankful for surprises.
I am thankful for my love in my heart.
I am thankful for living on my physical plane and having my individual experience.
I am thankful for my wealth.
I am thankful for my concious awareness.
I am thankful for my experience of conscious language.
I am thankful for Raw Superfoods.
I am thankful for my divine partner.
I am thankful for my $5,000 which is helping me create my ecotravelers project.
I am thankful for my R.V which always get me where I choose to be.
I am thankful Zarek and I are always abundantly taken care of by our universe.
I am thankful for you.


Road Angels November 21, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ecotravelers @ 1:01 pm

Today, I had a extraordinary experience!  I had gone to goodwill for a 50% sale and ended up locking the keys in the truck of my mother’s car which I was borrowing while she was at work.  I realized soon after I had also forgotten my cell phone at her apartment.  It was a beautiful sunny day so Zarek and I decided to walk back to her apartment since I at least had the key to open her door and it was only a couple of miles.  Well, of course, my four year old grew very tired of walking so I looked around a saw a police car.  Great, I bet he will help us out!  I told the officer my dilema and he said the only thing he could do was bust out my window or call a tow truck which would cost me at least $45 or more to unlock the doors.  Umm, no thank you.  I asked him if he could give us a ride up the road to my mom’s apartment since my young one was tired of walking and it was only a couple of miles away.  He told me no it was not in his jurisdiction. Ugh, Ok. I asked if he could just give us a ride to the next big intersection which was less than a mile away. No, it is not in my jurisdiction.  Ok, so we left.  What are cops good for anyways? Does anyone know?  Well we continued walking up the side road beside the highway and Zarek was whining so we stopped and I realized I was going to require some help.  I stuck out my thumb.  I have never hitch hiked before so I was very nervous and every time a car started coming I put my thumb back down.  Finally, I decided to ask my angels for help.  “Angels, please send us a ride to my mom’s apartment which is safe for me and my son, thank you,” I prayed.  (It is my belief I have at least three or more angels with me always and Zarek has at least three so together we are covered.)  The moment after I prayed and looked up a truck pulled over and a very friendly man asked if I could use a ride. Wow, talk about instantaneous!  “Yes, thank you,” I said and told him our story.  He took us to my mom’s and offered a ride back to our car if I had an extra key. I told him we did not and would be able to pick it up after my mother got off work since she had the spare.  He gave me his card and said if I ever needed anything to give him a call.  Wow.  My angels sent me an angel.  Thank you universe!


Nomads United November 18, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ecotravelers @ 12:08 am

My next adventure will start with our friends the Nomads United.  The Nomads are a group of culturely diverse people who have traveled on camels and horse back in different parts of our world for the past ten years to promote global cooling.  They host workshops about living sustaneably, planting trees, community living, and a variety of other subjects and put on a cultural performance with a message of peace in each community they travel through.  They have also facilitated 3 reforestation festivals with people coming from all over our world to participate in the planting of fruit trees.  I am very excited about joining up and learning all they have to teach me and filming our journey on horseback! 

Check them out at


We have options November 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ecotravelers @ 10:39 pm

Last night I listened as a beautiful woman broke down and cried because she did not have enough money to pay her bills.  My heart went out so strongly and tears rose up in my eyes with the remberence of my own desperate feelings of despair.  I would have hugged her if she had been open and not so angry.  I recall not knowing I had options.  I thought I had to have a home and pay bills and own a car and live in a city.  It was all I had known and I had no clue there were people living happily with their basic needs met very comfortably in alternative ways.

I feel the agony which was inside me and perhaps this particular woman is the way our hearts tell us there is another way to live, we have options.  There are other ways to exist more harmoniously in which we can share our responsibilities of daily life.  We do not have to do what we don’t like to do in order to “make” money.  My purpose for the ecotravelers is to search out and find all the alternatives possible to mainstream living.  Did you know many people work in society and live in a community where they have their own house at a drastically reduced cost while sharing land, materials, food, childcare, skills, and communion with others? Did you know you can grow your own organic food and it is by far healthier for you? Did you know you can live rent free by work trading a skill you possess.  Did you know by only doing exactly what you choose to do in every moment you will allow money and wealth to come to you?  Did you know you can travel our world with little to no money in your pocket?  Trust me I do it constantly and live in an excess of abundance! 

I commit to bringing you the knowledge of options and alternatives.  I desire to let people know we have a choice and what exactly those choices are.   I am making this my mission in life to seek out all alternatively living people and communities and showcase them to our world so you can be aware of your options. 

May your day be filled with love, laughter, and utter joy!

Tammy Thorn


Creating a Travelers guide November 13, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — ecotravelers @ 12:01 am

I am in my process of writing a handbook which will feature a 12 step program on how to become a full time traveler.  It will highlight on ways to allow and manage money while on the road since this is the main area I am asked questions about daily.  So far, it has actually helped me organize myself a little better for me and Zarek’s next adventure and I’ve found more resources to live more sustaneably.  My purpose is to help anyone who desires to live as a traveler and is looking for thier first step to get started and to help other travelers become more informed of our available resources and have them all in one easy to read guide.