Ecotravelers’s Blog

Bringing Alternatives To You

My Raw Thanksgiving November 30, 2008

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So I arrived safe and sound with my rideshare from craigslist. I had a wonderful experience driving to Arizona from Texas with my new friend Joe and look forward to staying in touch with him. I love rideshare!

Our Thanksgiving day was exhilerating with 19 family and friends sharing stories and opinions. I am the only raw foodist in our group, not sure if anyone actually knew what I meant when I said “I only eat raw foods now,” since they kept trying to take me out to eat and feed me lots of really cooked food. I stuck to it and was not even influenced a tiny bit. I created for myself and others a mushroom and spinach salad and a sunflower veggie dip and drank Chocolate Biss all day and had a raw cashew cookie for dessert.YUM! It was a very interesting experience and I now feel I have a better insight into who my family members are as individuals. I have always been the odd ball out and done things very differently from others, so I outcome mapped exactly how I desired my experience this Thanksgiving to go and it was beautiful and insightful.

I am thankful for my family.
I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my ability to create my own world exactly as I choose it to be.
I am thankful for surprises.
I am thankful for my love in my heart.
I am thankful for living on my physical plane and having my individual experience.
I am thankful for my wealth.
I am thankful for my concious awareness.
I am thankful for my experience of conscious language.
I am thankful for Raw Superfoods.
I am thankful for my divine partner.
I am thankful for my $5,000 which is helping me create my ecotravelers project.
I am thankful for my R.V which always get me where I choose to be.
I am thankful Zarek and I are always abundantly taken care of by our universe.
I am thankful for you.


Raw Food Diet and Resources November 18, 2008

I live on raw superfoods daily and highly recommend them to anyone wishing high energy and clarity.  I went all raw to keep up with my very energetic four year old and have enough energy to “play” with my own projects. From what I understand the superfoods work on several levels of our body and raise our body’s vibration and actually help us reverse cancer, diabetes, and our aging process.  I drink a super raw drink daily called Chocolate Bliss which contains Mayan Gold Cacao Powder, Hemp seeds, Coconut Flour, Maca, MSM, Carob, Tocotrienols, camu camu berries, acerola berries, amia berries, blueberries, cherry, rasberry, cranberry, manioc root, buckwheat berry sprouts, rose hips fruit, psyllium seed powder, bioperine, Rhodiola Rosea, and sun fire salt and I add another combination called Rainforest Rush to it which contains, spirulina, maca, guarana, yerba mate, wheat berry sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, and some other green goodness and sweeten this potent combination with raw vanilla agave or raw unfiltered honey!  Oh yes, it is yummy!

Here are some great sites to learn more about superfoods:

David Wolfe unleashed and rawking!

Personally, I order my superfoods online at, the products here are shipped with no expedients, radiation, and organic and pristine in quality.  The owners are very knowledgable and will happily answer any questions.

My favorite site for recipes, resources, and events is

Now my son, Zarek, he is a vegetarian and goes through stages of eating only one thing for a couple of weeks, like potatoes or bean burritos, and I found an awesome supplement for him called juice plus.  Juice plus is raw fruits and vegetables which have been juiced and dried and made into capsules, chewables, and gummies with no msgs, artificial colors or flavors, preservatives, or synthetics.  Zarek loves the gummies, they taste great and I can be ok with him making his own food choices.  I became a distributor to help other mamas with their picky eaters too.


 Here are some rawsome retreats I will be visiting and filming in near future:  in Costa Rica, I hope to go there this year after filming with Nomads United  in Puerto Rico is a retreat where you can learn how to create your own raw foods and become a raw food chef while detoxing and cleansing your body in the process. is a raw food retreat and spiritual rejuvenation center in Pantagonia, AZ which offers sweat lodges, yoga, kabbalah, conscious eating workshops, spiritual nutrition and various workshops on health and cancer treatment.  The founder Gabriel Cousens is a world renowned author and authority on holistic healing.

Here is a clip with Gabriel Cousens on Spiritual Nutrition

Alive and Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens on fasting